Donations via eBill

81% of Swiss households regularly support non-profit organizations with donations – eBill Donations establishes a convenient framework for this while also providing additional security.

What is eBill Donations?

eBill Donations is an enhanced function of eBill. This convenient, fully digital solution is used by more than 2.7 million people in Switzerland to receive and pay their invoices directly in online banking. What can be done for invoices in just a few clicks is now also possible for donations. Security and convenience for everyone involved, instead of paper, roundabout processes, and an unnecessary environment impact.

The Advantages


Receive donation requests in Online Banking and donate directly there as well


Donate securely and with just a few clicks to the desired organization

100% control

Donation purpose and amount remain freely selectable

Less paper

Thanks to eBill Donations, paper consumption is significantly reduced

How can you use eBill Donations?

The basic requirement is an online banking account at a financial institution participating in eBill that offers eBill Donations, as well as the activation of eBill. Please check your financial institution’s eBill offering.

How do donations via eBill work?

Activate eBill Donations in online banking in only 3 steps. Activate those organizations you would like to directly receive donation requests from via eBill. The key information on eBill Donations can be found in the flyer, which you can download as a PDF.

Interesting information about donations

People in Switzerland show solidarity and generosity when it comes to donating money, with 81% of households regularly making donations. 18% of the Swiss population already donate digitally, while another 42% want to start organizing their donations digitally in the future.

Which organizations can send donation requests via eBill?

To be able to register on the eBill infrastructure, a non-profit organization (NPO) must prove that its establishment is legally valid and that it has a non-commercial purpose. This can be achieved with a Zewo certification or a cantonal tax exemption for institutions with a non-profit or public purpose. Validity is checked on a regular basis, thereby ensuring that only reputable organizations use eBill Donations.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

In our FAQ you will find answers to important questions about eBill and its functions. Here you will find all information compactly in one document.