Your Benefits as an eBill Network Partner

As a network partner, you typically already provide various services for invoice issuers. Expand your portfolio by joining the eBill infrastructure.

Innovative Services

This is how network partners have the option of offering combined, innovative services to their invoice issuers.

Increased Coverage

Network partners benefit from the coverage of e-banking.

Open Interface

The network partner interface is an open interface provided to all interested providers.

New Factsheets

The following factsheets contain information for invoice issuer who want to use eBill or have already implemented it. The invoice issuer will learn more about the advantages of eBill and which possibilities eBill Notivication offers you. 

Would You Like to Become Part of the eBill Network?

We are happy to advise you and provide you with relevant information with absolutely no obligation. 

Documents and Marketing Material for Network Partners

Are you already a network partner? We can help you to explain the benefits of eBill to your customers. Here you will find marketing material to include and promote eBill through your customer channels.

Handbook for network partners, Network Partner API, Onboarding network partners and Implementation Guidelines

Network Partner Master Agreement

Registration of the network partner’s operational points of contact

Network Partner Master Agreement. Enclosure 1: Rulebook

Network Partner Master Agreement. Enclosure 2: Operating agreement

Network Partner Master Agreement. Enclosure 3: Network relevant functions


eBill Privacy Statement for Network Partners and Invoice Issuers

Specifications on the Use of the Alternative Scheme eBill in the Swiss QR Code

The picture and media material provided on this page has been created by SIX BBS AG (hereinafter: SIX) and may only be used for advertising or information purposes in conjunction with the eBill service.
None of the information contained herein constitutes an offer to provide services. SIX reserves the right to alter picture and media material at any time and without prior notification. SIX does not assume any liability (either explicitly or implicitly) for its accuracy, completeness, currentness and appropriateness. Accordingly, SIX is not liable for damage resulting from actions that are undertaken on the basis of information published by SIX.
The picture and media material provided on this website is protected by copyright and may not be used in any form for commercial purposes. In addition, the logos and brands used and provided and registered in the trademark register are protected under trademark law.
References to external sources, for example to websites or links to third-party websites, are provided exclusively for information purposes; no recommendations are associated with these references. SIX has not prepared or provided the content of the sources in question. In addition, SIX has not checked, revised or updated the content of the cited sources and does not assume any responsibility for the information contained therein.