eBill is More Than Just an Invoice

eBill focuses on digital invoice processing. It makes sending and paying invoices easy, secure and efficient with just a few clicks. Switching to eBill can also have a positive impact on the carbon footprint of companies and individuals.

This externally commissioned sustainability study shows that digital invoicing is a more sustainable alternative to comparable invoicing methods. Today, we still send about 59% of all invoices in Switzerland on paper by mail every year.

In a Nutshell

The study “Sustainability in Invoicing 2023” analyses and compares the different invoicing methods with regard to their emitted greenhouse gas emissions. The analysis concludes that eBill can offer significant sustainability benefits compared to conventional paper invoices.

According to the study, the benefits of switching to eBill include:

Reducing CO2 emissions

Compared to paper invoices, eBill can significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Even compared to e-mail invoices, significant CO2 savings are possible.

Efficiency gains

In addition to reducing emissions, switching to eBill can also offer advantages for companies and invoice recipients. Digital invoice processing reduces the administrative workload, speeds up the payment process and minimizes sources of error.

A Look Into the Future

SIX has set itself the goal of continuously increasing the share of eBill invoices in Switzerland. eBill users benefit from the advantages of the digital invoice and at the same time contribute to reducing their carbon footprint.

Based on the results of the study and the increasing digitization of accounting, the following can be concluded.

  • A widespread switch to eBill is expected to result in a significant reduction in total emissions.  
  • According to the study, if half of the invoice volume were processed via eBill, up to 14,788 t CO2-eq could be saved compared to the reference year 2022. This is roughly equivalent to the annual CO2 footprint of 1,200 people.

This forecast scenario shows the potential for environmental savings associated with the digitization of accounting. 

The complete study

For in-depth insights and more facts and figures, read the full sustainability study here. 

The results and findings of the sustainability study are also summarized in the management summary.

The Unit of Measurement

CO2-eq CO2-eq

CO₂-equivalent (CO₂-eq) is a unit of measurement for standardizing the climate impact of the various greenhouse gases

The CO2 counter on the eBill portal

The eBill portal now indicates potential CO2 savings. The calculations shown by the CO2 counter are based on the results of the “Sustainability in Invoicing 2023” study. A paper invoice and an eBill invoice are compared with each other. According to the study, the processing of an eBill invoice reduces CO2 emissions by an average of 89% in relation to a paper invoice. Further information can be found in the study.